| Australian Navy Cadets |
 | Barbados Cadet Corps |
 | Royal Belgium Sea Cadet Corps |
 | Bermuda Sea Cadet Corps |
 | The Navy League of Canada |
 | Deutsche Marine Jugend e.V. (Sea Cadet Corps of Germany) |
 | Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps |
 | Sea Cadet Corps of India |
 | Japan Sea Cadet Federation |
 | Sea Explorers of Korea |
 | Sea Cadets of Lithuania |
 | Zeekadetkorps Nederland (Sea Cadet Corps of the Netherlands) |
 | Sea Cadet Association of New Zealand |
 | Sea Cadets of Portugal |
 | Young Mariners League of Russia |
 | Singapore National Cadet Corps (Sea) |
 | South African Sea Cadet Corps (NPC) |
 | Sjövärnskårernas Riksforbund (Swedish Sea Cadet Corps Association) |
 | Sea Cadets UK |
 | United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps |
 | Zimbabwe Sea Cadet Corps |